#MapMyVisa: Mapping Immigrants’ Moods in Cities Across the Globe

Immigration is a phenomenon that has been present throughout history. Since antiquity society has found a way of tagging otherness of peoples coming from lands different from theirs. However, the last century paved the way for elaborate immigration practices to deter this phenomenon across the globe in ways never imagined. From physical walls such as the Berlin Wall, to biometric controls, governments have increasingly built “walls” around their nations.

This however, has not led to a decrease of mass immigration as it is as relevant and present as ever. And while we know much about the routes, the destinations and the nationalities, rarely do we ask ourselves how the immigrant feels in their host country.

MapMyVisa is a new concept that aims to learn how digitally engaged immigrants feel in relation to their migratory status. The objective is to learn if immigrants under different condition share similar feelings in relation to their legal situations in cities around the world.

The premise is simple, and we need your help!

Tweet using the hashtag #mapmyvisa, the generic postcode of the city where you live (can be anything from the park you walk around to the area postcode) and how you feel according to the following values:

  • #Sad
  • #Angry
  • #Indifferent
  • #Helpless
  • #Happy
  • #Superb

Example: I feel #superb in SW2 #London #mapmyvisa

Who is eligible? Any person who:

  • Needs a visa to be in the country where he/she lives
  • Has a twitter account or has a friend with a twitter account
  • Wants to share how they feel

After 1 month, we will create  the first map. The map will be available for everyone to see, share and add to it. We will update the map on a monthly basis. MapMyVisa is an open source project and will be used for the sole purpose of showing information.

So if you fit the above criteria, join in!

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