Our cities are constantly evolving. As our nations urbanise and our cities become larger, the urban fabric becomes more complex, and so transport infrastructure, existing and new, must anticipate this and promote a better quality life for all.
But investing in transport is not only about building new links, purchasing new stock and raising new stations. Many cities have to work within an existing framework and infrastructure that may need modernisation, “fixing”, adjustment or improvement. In some cities, poorly planned investments (even after a major investment) cannot be demolished and so need to be integrated to play a meaningful role in the short term, and perhaps even the long term too.
In South Africa, many cities are still dealing with the legacy of apartheid and distorted spatial patterns which now require new investments alongside the revamp of old infrastructure, while other cities could be dealing with difficult topographies and slopes which require ingenious solutions to connect existing transport systems.
The process of fixing transport is therefore ongoing. While new transport modes and investments are making global headlines, how can cities work with what they already have and where would your city begin to fix its transport system?
Join our next #citytalk tweetchat as we put our minds together to look at ways in which cities can fix transport to ensure a more liveable and sustainable future for all of their citizens.
WHEN: Wednesday, 16 October 2013, 7PM BST / 8PM CEST / 2PM EDT.
WHERE: On Twitter. Follow #citytalk or click here to join
WHO: This Big City, Future Cape Town and YOU!
Photo: Savannah Koomen